Morgan Advanced Materials plc
Annual Report 2022
Remuneration report
All executives are eligible to participate in
an annual bonus scheme. Opportunities
and performance measures vary by
organisational level, geographical region and
an individual’s role. Other senior executives
participate in the LTIP on similar terms to
the executive Directors, although award
sizes and performance measures may
vary according to each individual, and by
organisational level. Below this level,
executives are eligible to participate in
the LTIP and other share-based incentives
by annual invitation.
Use of discretion
To ensure fairness and align executive
Director remuneration with underlying
individual and Group performance, the
Committee may exercise its discretion
to adjust, upwards or downwards, the
outcome of any short- or long-term
incentive plan payment (within the limits
of the relevant Plan Rules) for corporate or
exceptional events including, but not limited
to: corporate transactions, changes in the
Group’s accounting policies, minor or
administrative matters, internal promotions,
external recruitment, and terminations.
Any adjustments in light of corporate events
will be made on a neutral basis, meaning
that they will not be to the benefit or
detriment of participants.
Any use of discretion by the Committee
during the financial year under review will
be detailed in the relevant Annual Report
on Remuneration.
Performance measure selection
The Committee considers carefully the
selection of performance measures at the
start of each performance cycle, taking
into consideration the macro-economic
environment as well as specific Group
strategic objectives.
Annual bonus measures are selected to
closely reinforce the Group’s short-term
KPIs. Because these can change from year
to year (in line with the Remuneration
Policy), information on the rationale for
the selection of bonus measures for each
year will be detailed in the relevant year’s
Annual Report on Remuneration.
LTIP performance measures are reviewed
periodically to ensure they continue to
align with the Company’s strategy,
as well as provide an appropriate balance
between growth and returns, internal and
external performance, and absolute and
relative performance.
For 2023 awards, the TSR element of the
LTIP award will continue to comprise two
parts. One half of the TSR element will
vest subject to the Group’s performance
relative to a TSR benchmark comprising
the 83 constituents of the FTSE All-Share
Industrials Index. This benchmark is robust
to merger and acquisition activity and
comprises companies that are subject to
the same market influences as Morgan
Advanced Materials plc. The remaining
half of the TSR element will vest subject
to Morgan’s performance relative to
a TSR benchmark comprising 15 listed
international carbon, ceramics and other
materials companies. This benchmark was
selected to complement the FTSE All-Share
Industrials Index with a group of companies
that better reflect Morgan’s business, the
markets in which Morgan operates and
the geographical footprint of the Group.
For each part of the TSR award, the
vesting performance range is calibrated to
be stretching and in line with common
market practice for FTSE TSR-based
long-term incentives.
EPS targets are set taking account of
multiple relevant reference points, including
internal forecasts, external expectations
for future EPS performance at both Morgan
Advanced Materials plc and its closest
sector peers, and typical EPS performance
ranges at other FTSE 350 companies.
LTIP EPS performance ranges are set to
represent demanding and challenging
performance targets over the three-year
performance period.
targets are set using a similar
approach to the EPS targets, after
consideration of external reference points
and reflecting the returns required to meet
and exceed the Group’s internal strategic
plan. For the 2023 LTIP cycle, ROIC
continue to be calculated as follows:
Group headline operating profit
(pre-specific adjusting items)
12-month average (third-party working
capital + total fixed assets + total
intangible fixed assets)
The ESG measure is based on the
percentage reduction in CO
with targets aligned to Morgan’s overall
strategic goals.
Share ownership guidelines
In order to encourage alignment with
shareholders, executive Directors are
required to build and maintain an individual
shareholding in the Company equivalent to
at least 200% of base salary. The required
level of shareholding is expected to be
achieved within five years of an executive
Director’s appointment. Executive
Directors’ shareholdings are reviewed
annually by the Committee to ensure
progress is being made towards
achievement of the guideline level of
shareholding. If it becomes apparent to
the Committee that the guideline is
unlikely to be met within the timeframe,
the Committee will discuss with the
Director a plan to ensure that the guideline
is met over an acceptable timeframe.
From 2019, executive Directors have also
been subject to a post-employment
shareholding requirement. Executive
Directors are required to hold shares at
a level equal to the lower of the share
ownership requirement or the actual
shareholding on departure for a period of
one year from departure date. Morgan’s
relatively short business cycle ensures the
Board has good visibility within a 12-month
period of the quality of decision-making
and, in addition, unvested awards for good
leavers subsist to the normal vesting date
(albeit pro-rated for time), ensuring
incentive outcomes remain linked to
Morgan’s performance beyond the date
of cessation. The Committee retains the
discretion to modify the post-employment
shareholding requirement in certain,
extraordinary circumstances; for example,
on a change of control during the period
or if a conflict of interest arises with an
executive Director’s next appointment.
Current executive Director shareholdings
are set out in the Annual Report on
Remuneration on page 111.
External appointments
With the approval of the Board in each
case, and subject to the overriding
requirements of the Group, executive
Directors may accept external
appointments as non-executive Directors
of other companies and retain any fees
received. Details of external directorships
held by executive Directors along with fees
retained are provided in the Annual Report
on Remuneration on page 107.