Morgan Advanced Materials

People and communities

Having people who bring a diverse range of talents and perspectives, and who feel engaged in their role, is of paramount importance to our long-term success. Our employees have been instrumental in making Morgan the company it is today.

In return we aim to be a caring organisation where everyone feels valued and appreciated. We use our Morgan Code to guide the actions we take. This helps us to achieve our strategic aim of delivering performance and value creation for our stakeholders.

Our aspirations and 2030 goals outline our focus for making Morgan a better place for our people.

Our aspirations

  • Zero harm to our employees
  • Our employee demographics will be inclusive and reflective of the communities in which we operate
  • A work environment where all employees are valued and can do their best work

Our 2030 goals

  • 0.10 lost time accident rate
  • 40% of our leadership population will be female
  • Top quartile engagement score

Our safety performance improved significantly during 2024, with a lost time accident rate of 0.13 compared to 0.19 at the end of the prior year.