Morgan Advanced Materials

Health and safety

We are working towards our aspiration of 'zero harm' to all our employees. We are committed to conducting all our activities in a manner that builds a caring safety culture and develops a world-class safety system that supports this effort.

Our 2030 target is a lost time accident rate below 0.10 (lost-time accidents per 100,000 hours worked). By the end of 2024 our LTA rate was 0.13 (2023: 0.19), with the improvement reflecting the significant focus on employee safety and wellbeing.

By 2030, we aim to accomplish the following objectives:

  • First, we aspire to prevent any occurrence of injuries or illnesses by promoting a culture of care. Our approach involves designing equipment and processes that eliminate or control potential risks. In situations where engineering solutions are not feasible, we continually assess and implement standards to safeguard people from hazards.
  • Second, we prioritise the elimination of risks that could result in serious injury. We aim to eradicate all cases of employee and contractor injuries and occupational illnesses not only at work but encourage the same best practices at home.

To achieve our ambitious safety objective of zero accidents and injuries, the involvement of every individual affiliated with Morgan Advanced Materials – employees, contractors, and visitors – is crucial.

Our employees play a pivotal role in influencing health and safety processes and protocols by providing valuable input through various channels, such as safety teams and committees, site communication meetings, pre-shift meetings and training sessions.

We proactively identify and mitigate hazards through a corrective and preventive action process. Our approach to health and safety employs several tools, such as machine specific risk assessments, 'Take 5' assessments, root cause incident investigations, permit to work processes, and ‘Don’t Walk By’ hazard and 'Good Practice' reporting.

Policy and framework

Our Health and Safety Policy provides all our locations with minimum standards, advice and guidance. Our minimum standard is based on current requirements from the UK and US legislative codes and associated best practice. If a local in-country standard is higher than these, the sites are required to achieve the local standard.

The compliance audit programme is conducted against the health and safety framework, systems and KPIs, with a focus on high-risk items. All our manufacturing facilities are reviewed on a four-year rolling cycle.

Governance of Policy is achieved through performance monitoring and the management and mitigation of identified risks, to drive continuous improvement in our health and safety performance.

We are committed to providing effective leadership in pursuit of a safe and healthy workplace. The Chief Executive Officer, global business unit leadership teams and site management teams are responsible and accountable for health and safety performance. The Group’s Health and Safety Director is responsible for Group direction and the oversight of the Group’s strategic programmes. There are health and safety leaders and resources in each of the global business units and their locations.

Our Group-level processes include a monthly review of performance and progress in the implementation of our improvement plans by the Executive Committee, and regular reviews of performance by the Board.