Appointed: August 2015.
Skills and contribution: Pete has a strong technical background and extensive experience in planning and executing business strategy across global technology and manufacturing operations. As CEO, he leads the Executive Committee and is responsible for our overall performance. The Group’s Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) team also reports directly to Pete, enabling him to keep the Board apprised on the establishment of goals, management of risks and opportunities, reporting and related governance procedures in that area.
Career and experience: Pete joined Morgan Advanced Materials in August 2015 as Chief Executive Officer. Before joining Morgan, Pete was President of the Communications and Connectivity sector of Cobham plc. Pete demonstrated strong leadership across a range of senior strategy, technology and operational positions at Cobham over a nine-year period. Prior to Cobham, Pete was a partner at McKinsey & Company in London, specialising in strategy and operations in the aerospace, defence and power and gas sectors.
Additional appointments: Non-Executive Director, Hill & Smith plc.
Committees: None.